Not to mention the color looks absolutely amazing. Also note, I have a carry conceal belt for the added thickness and support and that didn’t help much with my last appendix holster, but paired with this it made a world of difference. I tried it on with some jeans and just a T-shirt and I was shocked that I wasn’t printing and it was surprisingly comfortable.

Not only am I able to appendix my mr920/g19 BUT I opted for the TLR-1 light option which makes it slightly bulkier and now I able to carry an extra mag and WOW. Let me tell you that this holster has changed my carry conceal experience. I almost didn’t pull the trigger due to the wait period and price (not that it’s expensive for a holster but I found it expensive to gamble on since I did not have high expectations for appendix carrying) BUT figured I’ve been wanting to appendix carry comfortably for the longest so I said fine. After researching (YouTube reviews, articles, etc), I came across Tier1 and I’ll admit I was skeptical given my past history with appendix carrying. I figured I just wouldn’t be able to appendix carry until I lost weight.

I would appendix carry my XDS (3.3in barrel) but appendix carry just wasn’t comfortable for me and even though the xds is small I still printed and the gun would dig into my skin. I am a chubbier guy (5’10 245lbs size 38 waist and XL-XXL shirt…ya ya ya I know lose some weight) that would use an alien gear cloak for my mr920/g19 which wasn’t terribly uncomfortable but not ideal carrying on my side as it wasn’t as concealable. BELIEVE THE HYPE! Let me start by saying I am not one to leave reviews, but felt so strongly about this that I had to.